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100g / 100m Dyed with indigo in a fermentation vat
100g / 200m Dyed with indigo in a fermentation vat
Box of 54 metal stich markers in silver, copper and gold colors.Magnetic kraft box containing:6x3 big rings for needles up to 10mm6x3 small rings for needles up to 5.5mm6x3 oeping stich markers for needles up to 8mm
Box of 60 colorful opening stich markers.Made of painted metal, lightweight and sturdy.
100g ball / 375m Dyed with indigo
A 1-ply wool from the french mill Fonty100g /130m balls 100% wool
100g ball /250m Dyed with weld and overdyed with indigo in a fermentation vat.
Nm 10/1 hemp thread. Approx. 0.15mmDyed with indigo in a fermentation vat or undyed/bleached. 100m skeins
Nm 10/1 hemp thread. Approx. 0.15mmDyed with indigo in a fermentation vat or undyed/bleached. 50m skeins
100g / 800m, lace weight, superwash. Dyed with weld
100g / 800m, lace weight, superwash. Dyed with indigo and cochineal
100g / 800m, lace weight, superwash. Dyed with indigo in a fermentation vat
100g / 100m Dyed with indigo in a fermentation vat
Box of 54 metal stich markers in silver, copper and gold colors.Magnetic...
Box of 60 colorful opening stich markers.Made of painted metal,...
A 1-ply wool from the french mill Fonty100g /130m balls 100% wool
100g ball /250m Dyed with weld and overdyed with indigo in a...
Nm 10/1 hemp thread. Approx. 0.15mmDyed with indigo in a fermentation...